Marcos Navas

Marcos Navas has been an active member in the makered community and edtech space for many years. In addition to being a speaker and presenter, he is an ambassador and champion for an array of companies and organizations such as Dremel, Ultimaker, Pi-Top and Osmo. Being an advocate of student voice, Marcos is one of the original Flipgrid Ambassadors and a TED Ed Innovative Educator helping spread student TED Talks via TED Clubs. Within the coding and STEM space, he is one of the original Raspberry Pi Certified Educators in the US and one of the original founders of Hands on Coding, LLC. Marcos most recently completed his Fellowship with IDEO Teachers Guild making him one of 10 educational experts in Design Thinking. He is the founder of EdcampUrban, which is free professional development for urban educators, for teachers, by teachers. Most recently he is gearing up to Relaunch Hands on Coding after the pandemic with a whole line up of add ons to the Hands on Coding Block sets. Aside from merchandise, he is launching whose mission is to show the Latino(a)(X) communities the equity gap in computer science and show them the opportunities available in this industry by providing educational programs in the latest technologies to motivate themto go into this growing industry. will be running Metaverse Hackathon's and provide 21st century workshops for the Latino(a)(X) community such as Designing an NFT Sneaker!
In addition, Marcos also be proviedes a Metaverse on boarding service to get schools, organizations and corporations on board into a 3D immersive world to collaborate differently.
Marcos is on a mission to help reform education and expose kids to the latest in technology. He is truly STEAMing his way through the Maker Revolution and brining education along for the ride!
Links to my articles and blogs
COllaborations, Keynotes and Consultations
NYC Schools and Cornell Tech to create a Raspberry Pi projects
NJECC Speaker and Keynote
ISTE Speaker
MicroSociety Keynote
NJEA Makerspace Teacher
NJEA Convention Keynote
NJPSA Speaker
Edcamp Urban speaker
UNICEF Hackathon speaker and keynote
Worlds MakerFaire NYC 2015,2016,2017,2018 speaker and workshop facilitator
Union City STEM Camp developer and trainer
Picademy (Raspberry Pi Conference) Keynote and speaker
TED ED Talk speaker
Jersey City NJ PD & Consultation
Metaverse Consultant