Looking to Learn More?
Hands-On Coding offers professional development for educators, school districts, organizations, and corporations.
Hands-On Coding is committed to supporting educators on their journey through computer science. Doing so, will help to ensure that every student in every school will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of computational thinking. Please contact us directly to find out about our professional development solutions.
Metaverse Service
Are you in the metaverse yet? Are you looking to get there? Let us start with, "what is the metaverse?" The metaverse is a 3D immersive environment where digital assets can be imported and interact-able. Allow us to help you with getting into the Metaverse world! We provide a new service where we can help your school, organization, or company create a Metaverse world and meeting space. Email us with your inquiry at codyblox@handsoncoding.org